ふくしまからはじめよう。 Future From Fukushima



“Letter to the Future ~On Our Way There~” nationwide screening in Sapporo

Fukushima Prefecture created an animated documentary film series called “Letter to the Future ~On Our Way There~” in an omnibus format showing the various feelings present in Fukushima as well as events that have occurred after the earthquake disaster. This movie will be screened in Sapporo at ART-SPACE201 for 3 days, from March 18th (Friday) - 20th (Sunday).

Following its unveiling for the preview screening on February 15th, this film has been getting amounts of attention, especially on the web and SNS sites. Screenings will be held in 6 major cities nationwide. After Osaka. Nagoya, Fukuoka and Naha, the fifth of these will be held from March 18th (Friday) - 20th (Sunday) at Sapporo's ART-SPACE201. At these screening events, in addition to all 10 episodes of the series, a documentary video recording the filming process, a message from Dean Fujioka (the actor who played the storyteller), and a digest of the preview screening event held on February 15th in Tokyo and Chiba prefecture will also be screened. In addition, video from the piece will be set up on display in a tile format inside the gallery space of the venue. By combining this footage with animation, participants at the screening event will get a deeper sense of the feelings of the creator and the people of Fuksuhima Prefecture.

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